Various Categories
This is the 2024 Prize List with Baby Show and Parade rules.
The Junior class is open to all elementary grade students. Home schooled students are welcome. High-school students must compete in the Adult categories rather than this one.
All entries must be placed on Thursday September 19th from Noon to 8:00PM or Friday September 20th from 9:00AM to 12:00PM Judging is on Friday at 1:00PM.
All entries must have an entry tag and include the students full name and school. Only one entry per child in each category. We will not be responsible for stolen or missing articles.
Entry tags will be distributed to the two local schools, at the Walsh Garage beside the fairgrounds or by calling Lynda Matthews 519 875-3246.
All art and entries must be picked up after the fair on Sunday no earlier than 4:00PM or on Monday from 9:00AM till noon. After they will be discarded unless arrangements have been made for pickup.
No prize money will be paid at the Fair. It will be delivered to the schools in the next week. Please leave phone number on your entry tag if you are not at the two local schools.
Judging will take place Saturday September 21st at 11AM at the Charlotteville Community Center (Hall).
Prizes: 1st - $20.00, 2nd - $15.00, 3rd - $10.00, 4th - $5.00
Age Classes:
1. Ages 0-3
2. Ages 4-7
3. Ages 8+
Please have your child to the derby entrance by 12:30PM to register and sign the waiver. For more information, please contact Krista Schnarr (519-410-0113)
The Baby Show takes place at the Community Centre on Saturday September 21st at 12:00 PM. Registration is from 11:30 a.m. until noon.
Prizes: 1st – $25.00, 2nd – $15.00, 3rd – $10.00
Plaques awarded to first place winners
Each Class is divided into boys and girls except twins.
Class A – under 6 months
Class B – 6 months to 1 year
Class C – 1 year to under 2
Twins – under 2 years
There is a baby derby following class C with a trophy given to winner. Babies must toddle to mothers a distance specified by the director.
All decisions made by a judge are final and parents must abide by them.
The Demolition Derby takes place both Saturday & Sunday starting at 2:00.
Saturday: Impact Compact, Junk Run, Trucks, Powder Puff (Old School Fullsize)
Sunday: Pro Stock, Windshield Class, Figure 8, Old School Full Size (SS Fullsize)
For information on forms and entries please contact Scott Gerard. For Power Wheels contact Krista Schnarr 519 410-1113
Director in charge: Scott Gerrard 519-427-8301
The Car Show will be held Saturday starting at 9AM through 1:30PM.
Prizes and awards
Entry is $10 per car. Limited space available.
Elementary Schools: This year the competition will be held on the Sunday.
Registration DUE by September 19th to Krista Schnarr (519-410-1113)
Prize $: 1st - $400, 2nd - $300, 3rd - $200, 4th - $100
1 - 8 students per team max (no substitutions allowed)
2 - Maximum team weight must not exceed 1200 lbs
3 - Weight list is to be submitted prior to the event to the fair board
4 - Only one team per school
5 - Each team must include 3 girls
6 - Team members must be in grade 6-8
7 - Gloves are allowed
8 - NO cleats shall be allowed
Adults: NEW - Competition to be held on SATURDAY.
Registration fee: $50 per team. Registration DUE by September 18th to Krista Schnarr (519-410-1113)
Prize $ will vary depending on number of teams registered. Winning team takes all.
1 - All teams must consist of 5 participants
2 - Maximum team weight must not exceed 1300 lbs
3 - Weight list is to be submitted prior to the event to the fair board
4 - Gloves are allowed
5 - NO cleats shall be word
6 - Each game consists of 3 pulls with teams switching ends after each pull
7 - Best 2 of 3 pulls determines the winner
8 - Tournament played on a double knockout bracket
** Please note, all participants (Elementary and Adult classes) are volunteering to attend this event, and The Charlotteville Agricultural Society (also known as the Donnybrook Fair and Demolition Derby) are not liable for any injury that may occur while participating.
Washer Toss Tournament
Director in Charge: Tim Smith 519-410-3834
Held Saturday at 11:30AM. Registration is required prior to the event. Entry fee is $20 per team
Prize $: 1st - $200, 2nd - $100