NEW - Please use the link to register and sign your waiver https://cas.speedwaiver.com/flfbt
Old-school fullsize
Motor swaps allowed only
Ford in chev chev in Ford ect
IMPORTANT: Each driver, mechanic and any pit crew must sign in at registration desk the day of show. Drivers must bring their cars to inspection to have their cars inspected.
I have read the rules and acknowledge to have received a copy and agree that the decision of the Judges is final. I agree to participate at my own risk. It is a condition of my participation in the contest that I sign a further release of liability in the form to be supplied by Impact Motorsports and I agree to sign such a release.
DRIVERS and MECHANICS are subject to and must obey the following rules and regulations which are set up by the promoter and the track where this event is being held:
1. For all classes not labelled as a “Youth” class, each driver must be a minimum age of 16. A parent or guardian must sign an insurance waiver for all 16 and 17 year old participants. Guardian must provide photo ID.
2. The original registered driver must drive the registered vehicle for the entire event. No substituting drivers.
3. Impact Motorsports or promoter reserves the right to approve or reject any and all entries, drivers or pit persons.
4. Only the driver and mechanic who sign the release sheet will be permitted in the pit area or on the track. The driver will receive free admission to the grounds with their entry. All drivers, mechanics and pit persons must wear supplied pit passes at all times. Failure to do so may result in ejection from the event or grounds.
5. Impact Motorsports, the promoter, track owner or fair association will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to any cars, trucks, parts or personal property before, during and after the show.
6. It is highly recommended that each competitor carry their own liability insurance.
7. Drivers and mechanics should report to the Impact Motorsports sign in area at a minimum of 1.5 hours before the scheduled start time.
8. Drivers and mechanics are in the pit area at their own risk.
TYPE OF CAR Any 6-8 cylinder hardtop automobile or station wagons over 109” wheelbase. STRAIGHT STOCK NO trucks, convertibles, jeeps, vans, Imperials, hearses, limousines. Cars previously ran may be considered too battered and unsafe, resulting in disqualification. If there is in any question regarding the participant’s vehicle it is the driver’s responsibility to prove make, model, year, engine etc
Risk: Demolition derbies are hazardous and high-risk sports; therefore, anyone with a health condition, i.e., concussion, heart problems, or who is pregnant should not compete. You are competing at your own risk.
Protect yourself: Work Boots, sport equipment such as, neck brace, knee pads, shoulder pads, hip pads etc. are recommended. No bare exposed skin. All drivers MUST wear long pants/coveralls as well as long-sleeved shirts. No exceptions. Working seat belt and racing helmet are mandatory. Helmets MUST have chin straps. Goggles or face shields are recommended. **No motocross style visors**
BRAKES: Vehicles must have dependable brakes and must be working properly before entering RING at all times. All boundaries must be observed.
NO DRINKING OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON TRACK, EMERGENCY VEHICLE AREA OR IN THE PIT AREA. Any driver or pit person under the influence of alcohol or drugs allowed in the pit area. This will be strictly enforced.
Careless driving in the pit area could result in disqualification. All cars are to be removed from the fairgrounds or racetrack immediately following the show. Additional safety regulations may be imposed, depending on track and conditions.
1. Flammable Material All carpet, headliner, door panels and ALL other flammable material MUST be removed from inside of the car. Front seat and dashboard may be left in place. Front and rear bumper covers MUST be removed.
2. GLASS/AIR BAGS All windows, mirrors, trim and air bags must be removed prior to derby event. No loose glass smashed into the bottom of the doors.
3. FIRE EXTINGUISHER Must be within reach of the driver. Must work and have proper working gauge. Please check gauge on extinguisher before arriving to the event.
4. DOORS AND NUMBERS Driver’s door highly recommended to be reinforced. A mandatory roof number plate must be securely fastened. Car MUST have a number clearly visible (roof sign, contrasting paint on the doors).
5. BATTERY Battery must be moved to front passenger floorboard and securely fastened in a box/container clear of all fuel sources. One (1) single car battery. Following inspection it must be covered with a non-flammable shield such as air bag or rubber mat. No heavy truck / equipment batteries.
6. GAS TANK Stock gas tanks must be removed. Steel marine tank, custom fuel cell or certified racing fuel cell ONLY. All tanks must be securely fastened (bolted) down in the middle of the back seat area. Tank must be covered with a nonflammable cover after inspection (air bag, floor mat). No movement can occur during inspection. Any leaks will result in disqualification. No gas tank protectors. Gas tank may be mounted to the post to post bar but not to act in any way as a protector. If tank is mounted to the post to post bar it cannot touch the floor of the car and must be a minimum of 15” from rear sheet metal. NO UNSAFE FUEL TANKS. NO “JERRY CANS”.
7. FUEL LINES All fuel lines must have leak proof fitting with steel or rubber lines (no clear lines). No exceptions. Lines should run inside the car. Leaks will result in disqualification. All connections MUST have hose clamps to eliminate leaks. If your fuel system is not safe you will not run.
8. FUEL PUMP Must have a safety shut off switch marked in red located on the roof in center of windshield area for officials use. Switch to control fuel pump only. Driver’s safety. MANDATORY. This rule is for fuel injected cars only, does not apply to carbureted cars unless using an electric fuel pump. Must be able to be seen by flag staff from 20’ away.
9. TRUNK/TAILGATE Trunks must be stock. Trunk lid must be stock or removed. Trunk may be tucked in the centre of the trunk area 90°. No other modifying or manipulating of the trunk. Trunk/tailgate must be fastened shut in a max of 3 spots per vertical seam and 2 spots per horizontal seam places using chain, wire, seat belts or welded with 3”x3”x1/4” plates. If the trunk is fastened shut before tech, a 10” inspection hole is required regardless if we can see through speaker tray. You may use 2 pcs of ¾” threaded rod to hold the trunk closed, these must go through a factory body mount hole, max 4” washer and max 3 nuts. No threaded rod in the rear of wagons. No sleeving threaded rod.
10. HOOD Hoods are not mandatory. Hood must be in stock location or removed. Without hood – use electric fan only – fans directly connected to motor must be removed. A 12” opening must be cut in the center of the hood. Hoods to be fastened in MAX 6 places using chain, strap, wire, belts or 2x2x2x1/4 angle iron with a single 3/8” bolt. Hood may be bolted thru the rad support in 2 places with MAX 3/4″ bolts or rod. These bolts can go through the hood, rad support, and frame, must have rubber bushing or hockey puck. These will count for 2 of the 6 places fastening hood closed. Hoods must remain open for officials’ inspection.
11. BODY PANELS Metal may be cut from around wheels for clearance. No extra bolts anywhere. No creasing or pre bending.
12. DOOR FASTENING All doors must be fastened shut with wire, straps, chains, or 3”x3”x1/4” plates in 3 places per vertical seam and 2 spots per horizontal seam. No bolting or welding doors closed. If wire being used to tie door shut goes around the frame you are limited to one place per door.
13. DOOR PLATES/DOOR BARS Outside of car may have a 12” X 72” X ¼” max steel plate applied to driver & passenger doors, bolted in 8 locations with a max of 3/4″ bolts. NO “C” CHANNEL OR ANGLE IRON. Driver’s door can be reinforced in any form but not reinforce the frame.
14. CAGE/ROLL BAR Single roll bar up each door frame, inside or across outside of the roof. Roll bars going across the roof can be bolted twice through the roof for driver safety. This roll bar may be welded or bolted down to the seat bar or side bars. A seat bar MAX 4X4″ can be bolted or welded behind front seat from side to side to protect driver. No excessive use of materials. Not mandatory. Seat/roll bars not to extend past back of driver’s seat. Bar over roof cannot be attached to any other bar on the car except the rear seat bar. A dash bar can also be added but must be 5” away from the firewall. Two side bars (max 60”) can connect dash bar and seat bar creating a square around the driver for safety. You can have 2 down bars coming off seat bar connection to floor, rocker or frame directly behind the drivers seat, these bars must be vertical. If you have no down bars, you can have 2 spots of 9 wire from frame to roof.
15. INTERIOR MODIFICATIONS No welding of any inside body support seams or firewall seams. Large holes in car floors must be repaired with same gauge metal and securely fastened. No reinforcement. Broken seats may result in disqualification. Aftermarket pedals are allowed but must not reinforce the car in any way.
16. BUMPERS Front bumper only can be replaced with any oem car bumper, SMW, MCF or replica bumper. Bumpers may be loaded and seam welded. You may square off the end of the frame and use a 6”x6”x1/4” square plate flat on the end of your frame to be used as a flat mounting point, this plate is not to be manipulated. You can use 2 – 4”x6”x1/4” plates per rail to hold your bumper on. Front and rear bumper can be wired to hood/rad support or trunk in 4 spots each. These will count as hood/trunk tie downs. NO tubing in frame to hold bumper on. Rear bumpers must be a stock OEM bumper, in stock location or removed. Bumper shocks may be collapsed or removed, this includes bumper shock mounting brackets on old iron. No cutting the frame shorter. Mandatory that both front and rear bumpers have at least 2 spots of 9 wire to hold bumper on.
17. RADIATOR Radiators and cooling system must be flushed of anti-freeze and only water added. Overflows for radiator must point downward to the ground. Radiator must be mounted in original position or removed. No screens allowed. (Stock A.C. condensers permitted in original position.) No metal added around the rad for reinforcement. No rad guards.
18. TRANSMISSION COOLER No transmission coolers.
19. SUSPENSION/STEERING Suspension must remain stock. No modifications, no welding, direct bolt in swaps are allowed for control arms. No spindle swaps. Cars must have factory movement. Screw in style spring spacers are ok but movement must occur with one person’s effort. If parts are broken and need to be replaced, send a message for clarification. Steering rag joint may be replaced with a u joint. Rear differentials may be swapped, stock mounting applications, ford to ford, gm to gm. Rearend housings must be stock. You may make a single pass of weld from axle tubes to centre section. No C-clip eliminators. Pinion brakes are allowed but strictly must be bolt on, no welding at all. Sway bars must be mounted in the factory position with factory hardware or be removed. Don’t touch it.
20. FRAMES No welding the frame, no seam welding. No bolting/pinning frame or subframe. Bent frames may be repaired with a max of 6 square plates (4”x4”x1/4”). There must be a 1” gap between plates. Fresh cars can start with 2 plates. All frame repairs are to be painted a bright colour and be reported to an official before inspection. Trailer hitch must be removed completely. Rear frame may be notched. No pre bending or shaping of the frame or body metal. All rust repair must be pre-approved by an official.
21. ENGINES/MOTOR MOUNTS Stock engine/transmissions. GM to GM, Ford to Ford. Stock style mounts. You may have 2 (3/8) chains going from engine to crossmember incase a mount breaks, one link bolted to engine, one link welded to crossmember, no wrapping the chain. Jeffys fab farm engine side mounts are allowed, frame side mounts must be factory OEM style with rubber bushings. Engine and frame side mounts may be welded with a 2”x4” plate.
22. BODY MOUNTS Stock. Stock bolts, stock bushings. No extra bolts. No 9-wire from frame to roof.
23. WINDSHIELD/REAR WINDOW AREA Front windshield must have 1 single steel bar, or chain bolted to cowl and front of roof, not welded. No rear window bars.
24. TIRES Any tire may be used. Drive tires must be filled with air only. Non drive tires may be solid or foam filled. Tires may be doubled. Wheel centres may be welded into rim to change bolt pattern, not to reinforce rim. No triple side walls. All wheel weights must be removed. No homemade rims. No bead locks, no valve stem protectors. Lip rings will be allowed.
“Official’s Decision is Final”
For questions relating to these rules please contact Scott Gerard: 519-427-8301